This journey from a shoelace to retail in 2019 makes us smile every time we remember it.


Rana Yazıcı, the founder of our brand, graduated from Koç University Faculty of Law in 2020. While he was still at university, he founded tiedUp with the aim of bringing together accessories that have become an integral part of our daily lives, with inspiring patterns and cheerful colors.

Patterned shoelaces, silk shawls and scarves were the first steps to create tiedUp's brand identity. He turned tiedUp into a concept store brand with the idea of bringing together the products of the international brands and local designers he adored and followed under the same roof.

With its first store in Istanbul/Göktürk in 2021, TiedUp brought 'Anthropologie' products together with its retail experience for the first time in Turkey.

In 2022, tiedUp opened its 2nd store in Istanbul / Fişekhane in order to bring all the brands under the umbrella to a wider audience.

In this journey that we started with a shoelace, we continue to bring our customers together with young, dynamic and 'cool' brands by constantly following the trends in the world!



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